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IEEE IDAACS ProDiT Workshop on the planning of a digital transformation project

IEEE IDAACS ProDiT Workshop on the planning of a digital transformation project

One of the most important ways of conducting the digital transformation are projects. The continuous process of the digital transformation is partitioned into steps which are implemented through dedicated projects: digitalization projects or digital transformation projects. Such projects are complex due to the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) of the task and the environment. Furthermore, they involve complex change processes. Therefore, they require dedicated project management methodology which the ProDiT project intended to develop.

The IEEE IDAACS ProDiT Workshop put the focus on the planning of a digital transformation project and involves 3 main steps:

  • Analysis of the as-is-situation before the digital transformation step and the to-be-situation which should be reached. This is done based on the analysis of the digital maturity level of the as-is-situation and the to-be-situation. Digital Transformation Maturity Models (DTMM) support the process.
  • The identified digital transformation step leading from a lower maturity level to a higher maturity level is analyzed from different perspectives, involving change, stakeholders, technology and business aspects and the intended impact of the change
  • digital transformation project (DTP) is planned. This involves the analysis of the novelty and uncertainty aspects (see VUCA) and leads either to a more planned or to a more incremental, explorative project plan. Agile methods are applied.

During the workshop, the 3 steps are introduced. The participants form small teams and walk through the steps based on a case study of an IT security company startup. The results are presented and pitched to a jury. Successful participants receive an IEEE IDAACS certificate.

The workshop will take place in the Computer Science Faculty Building, Emil-Figge-Str. 42, 44227 Dortmund (main IDAACS campus) in room B.E.23.1 / B.E.23.2 “InnoLab”

An online participation on MS Teams is planned (with limited interaction options).

The workshop schedule is planned as follows:

  • Thursday, Sep 7, 13:30-15:20: Introduction, Methodology, Team Setup, Team Work
  • Friday, Sep 8, 14:00-17:00: Q&A, Team Work on Case, Preparation of Presentation, Pitch

For IEEE IDAACS participants, the workshop is free of charge. The participation is limited to 15 seats. If you are interested, please register until 27 of August 2023, on:

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